Mumbai based political party Shiv Sena has decided to protest against the release of the Hollywood movie Valentine’s Day starring Jessica Alba. This is in complete contrast to their usual stand of attacking only Autistic people like SRK, Big B within the country. When contacted, Balasahib father of Udhav Thackrey and Udhav Thackrey son of Balasahib, said
“We will not allow the western culture to affect western countries too from now. Enough is enough. So far we have been against anything related to Valentine’s Day and someone has the balls to make a movie on that name. We are going to destroy all movie halls in Mumbai protesting the movie’s release in New York”.
“But Baba was that not for MNIK”, said an always confused looking Udhav.
“Shut Up. We are jobless here in Mumabi. No one is giving us a damn these days and hence we have to go global”, beamed an excited Balasahib.
“For how long can we be only in Mumbai and India, I have also never seen US and in this way we can extend our vote bank too”, told Baba in complete ingnorance of the fact that only Indian Citizens err Mumbai Citizens could vote for him. When pointed to this Even-a-10thclass- school- kid-knows-it-fact, Baba in his inimitable style reeked off a completely unrelated “Mumbai Jalega” threat.
Baba also gave a detailed power point presentation to a shell-shocked media in which he outlined the strategy to capture the US market, the excerpts of which are produced below.
“We are going to make all the people who are going to watch Valentine’s Day watch MNIK too.”
On asked whether did he not protest against the release MNIK in India, Baba retorted back saying, “ Who ever will watch that movie will become autistic for sure due to SRK’s extra ordinary overacting which even surpasses the non-maratha actor Shivaji Ganeshan. We want to save India errrr Mumbai from becoming Autistic. We are doing our motherland a service and also want to show that we Marathi’s are second to none at using Office 2007”.
When queried on the small issue of transportation of thousands of Shiv Sainiks to the US, Bala Sahib replied saying, “ If they do not let us in there Mumbai jalega and all the costs will be borne by SRK”, which left journalists wondering if this was the Marketing Plan which the great Prof. Arindham Choudary of IIPM fame had proposed to SRK in favour of him hosting the most Expensive B-School Quiz ever in India.
In a completely unrelated incident, Pakistan’s former Captain Imran Khan voiced his support for the release of My Name Is Khan in Pakistan. Other people like the Other Khans of Bollywood, Akram Kham ( Ex. Chubby Bangladeshi Captain),Wasim Khan (Terrorist in the movie Roja), Khan Abdul Gaffar Khan expressed their solidarity for the movie thus increasing the Narcissism Quotient (NQ) of the world by 10 basis points.
Nice Dude .. Very well written.
heh heh...superb saracasm dude :)
Nice sarcasm dude... well written... had fun reading it
hahahahaha.... aaahhhhahahaahaa..LMAO... hahahaaaaahahahhaaaaahahaa LOL.... totally possible buddy !! --- shanky
good one :P
“We are going to make all the people who are going to watch Valentine’s Day watch MNIK too.” -- LMAO.. bigtime!
nice blog da...!! whoa whoa mr.anonymous...then in that case wat about those runaway brides' taxis that u sit in n have fun with ur runaway chics?!?! chill dude don't get too hard on this....or u'll be subjected to lifetime imprisonment with a dvd player that plays only MNIK
London paper reports:
Bal Thakrey to move court in UK to rename- Bombay Mix -it should henceforth be called Mumbai mix ..he he
Also wonder what SRK and Mr Runaway bride has to say about cricketer Sohail Tanvir of Pakistan has gone on record on a Pakistani national television program ( and said that the reason for Pakistani cricketers’ non-inclusion is because of the basic ‘zeheniyat’ (characteristic) of Hindus. He has branded the non-inclusion of Pakistani players as a conspiracy of the Indian ‘Hindus’ and tainted the entire episode with a religious stench. Mr. Shah Rukh Khan, who was so vocal about non-inclusion of Pakistani players in IPL, has uttered NOT a single word about this player’s disgusting utterance. That this is the same cricketer who played in Indian Premier League 1 and earned thousands of dollars because of IPL that originated in India is not really a newsworthy piece for Mr. Khan.
@ arjun : u do it with chicks in a taxi.. woaaa..get a room dude
hey how come your stupid sense of sarcasm is not activated when so called minorities throw Tasleema Nasreen out of India ?? I wonder !!!..its that a myopic vision..get a life dude and stop this biased non sense blogging..
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